Thursday, 25 August 2016



Aur Khao jo kuch tumhe Allah ne Rozi di Halal pakiza'h aur Daro Allah se Jis par tumhe Iman hai.


wahabi bolta hai k halwa bid'at hai magar samjhta nahi k kya bol raha hai Q k Hadis-e-Paak me hai k "Hazrat Aaisha Siddiqa'h radi Allah anha farmati hai k Rasool Allah sallallaho alaihi wa sallam ko Shahad aur Halwa Pashand tha"

(Bukhari,Vol.3,kitabut Talaq)

is Hadis se malum howa k Rasool Allah sallallaho alaihi wa sallam ko Halwa Pashand tha yani "Halwa khana Sunnat"

jo Rasool Allah sallallaho alaihi wa sallam ki Pasand ko Bid'at kahta hai us ko Aap kya kahna Pasand karoge?

Be Ishq Muhammad jo Padhte hai Bukhari
Aata hai Bukhar un ko,Nahi aati Bukhari.


صحیح بخاری
کتاب الاطعمۃ
باب: میٹھی چیز اور شہد کا بیان۔
حدیث نمبر: 5431
حدثني إسحاق بن إبراهيم الحنظلي، عن أبي أسامة، عن هشام، قال أخبرني أبي، عن عائشة ـ رضى الله عنها ـ قالت كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يحب الحلواء والعسل

مجھ سے اسحاق بن ابراہیم حنظلی نے بیان کیا، ان سے ابواسامہ نے، ان سے ہشام نے بیان کیا، انہوں نے کہا کہ مجھے میرے والد نے خبر دی اور ان سے حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا نے بیان کیا کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم حلوا اور شہد پسند فرمایا کرتے تھے
  1. صحیح بخاری
    کتاب الاطعمۃ
    باب: میٹھی چیز اور شہد کا بیان۔
    حدیث نمبر: 5431
    حدثني إسحاق بن إبراهيم الحنظلي، عن أبي أسامة، عن هشام، قال أخبرني أبي، عن عائشة ـ رضى الله عنها ـ قالت كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يحب الحلواء والعسل

    مجھ سے اسحاق بن ابراہیم حنظلی نے بیان کیا، ان سے ابواسامہ نے، ان سے ہشام نے بیان کیا، انہوں نے کہا کہ مجھے میرے والد نے خبر دی اور ان سے حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا نے بیان کیا کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم حلوا اور شہد پسند فرمایا کرتے تھے



The defenition of a ta'wiz is simply, a written du'a from the Qur'an or ahadith, and is for the one who cannot read or has not memorized that particular du'a. It is written on a piece of paper and is worn around the neck.
We, the Ahl as-Sunna, believe that to wear a ta'wiz around the neck is permissible if the du'a' contained in it is written from the Qur'an or ahadith. Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to recite du'a' and then blow onto the sick person. The Companions of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) also did this and they wrote the du'a' on a piece of paper and placed it around the neck of a person if they could not read it. Of course, the du'a's from the Qur'an and ahadith have the power to heal the sick. Some people say that if you wear the ta'wiz you are commiting shirk, but we shall prove, with the help of Allah, that it is permissible to wear a ta'wiz.
The Qur'an Has the Power of Healing
Allah Most High says in the Qur'an:
"...We send down in Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers..."
[Sura Banu Isra'il, verse 82]
Qadi Shawkani writes, "If the Qur'an's du'a's are recited and blown on the sick, they will be cured. When the non-believers recite the Qur'an, their blasphemic disease will be cured" [Tafsir Fath al-Qadir, under Sura Bani Isra'il, verse 82]

Proof of Wearing the ta'wiz

Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani write:
"Amr ibn Shu'aib (may Allah be pleased with him) said that 'Rasulu'llah(may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught my father and grandfather a du'a which we would read before going to sleep, to protect us from fear and anguish.We told our elder children to recite this du'a before going to sleep as well.But for those children who were not yet literate, we would write it and then put it around their necks"
[Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal vol.2; Abu Dawud, in 'Chapter of Medicine'; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, under Sura al-Mu'minun, verse 97; and Qadi Shawkani, Fath al-Qadir, under the same verse]
It is Permissible to Read Du'a and Blow Upon the Sick
Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim write:
"When a person who was sick or in some distress they would go to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) who would then place his hand on the area of pain and recite a du'a' and then blow onto him"
[BukhariMuslim, Chapter of Tibb]

Imam Muslim writes:
"When the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill for the last time, Angel Jibril (peace be upon him) came and recited du'a' and blew on to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)"
[Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]
Imam Muslim writes:
" 'A'isha (may Allah be pleased with her) relates that when the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill for the last time, she recited Sura al-Falaq and Sura an-Nas and then blew on to the Prophet's  (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) hands. The Prophet then blew this onto his own face and body because his hands had more blessing then 'A'isha's (may Allah be pleased with her)"
[Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]
From the above narrations, it proves that to blow after reciting du'a's onto the sick is Sunna and the more pious the person is, the more healing power he has because he is blessed more than the less pious.
Hafiz Ibn Taymiyya writes:
"It is permissible to [to recite du'a's and then] blow upon the sick in Islam, but the words must be from the Qur'an or ahadith. If the words are not, then it is not permissible"
[Ibn Taymiyya, At-Tawassul, Chapter on Blowing onto the Sick]


Q) Some people ask, 'How is it allowed to blow dua's onto the sick when some ahadith say this is forbidden?'
A) Allama Sa'idi has written the answer to this question in great detail; he has also included the opinion of all the other great scholars, and we will present this here.
Allama Sa'idi writes:
"Imam an-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim states: 'There are two types of ahadith concerning blowing. [reciting a du'a and then blowing onto a person]. One of the types is transmitted in Bukhari: 'There will be people who will enter Paradise without any questioning, who have never been blown upon.' Imam Muslim has also recorded a hadith in support of those who do not ask to be blown upon. Imam Bukhari in the chapter on Tibb [Medicine] has written du'as that our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) recited when doing damm [reciting a du'a and then blowing onto a person]. Imam Muslim states in 'The Chapter on Virtues of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)' that: "When our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill, the Angel Jibril came to him and performed the blowing." The above types of ahadith apparently seem to contradict each other but in reality there is no contradiction.
"The former type of hadith refers to the prohibition of having read something that is not from the Qur'an and Sunna [i.e.something that has pictures, diagrams or words not from the Qur'an or Sunna] and then blow upon someone. The latter types of ahadith which permit damm refer to those kalimat [words or verses] which have been taught by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)"
[Allama Sa'idi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]
In the same way as above there are two types of ahadith concerning ta'wiz. There are many narrations that forbid the use of ta'wiz and also many permitting their use.
Imam al-Qurtubi wrote in detail about both types of ahadith concerning ta'wiz:
"The ta'wiz that are forbidden are those ta'wiz from the Time of Ignorance - those which are satanic and contain an element of shirk [mantar, voodoo and magic, etc.]. The ta'wiz, which are permitted are those written with du'as evidently from Qur'an and ahadith only"
[al-Qurtubi, at-Tadhkirat, chapter on 'Ta'wiz']
Here are the narrations which show the permission for one to wear a ta'wiz around one's neck:
Allama Alusi al-Hanafi, in his Tafsir of the Qur'an, writes:
"According to Imam Malik 'It is permitted to put around the neck the ta'wiz written with the name of Allah.' Imam Baqir also stated that it is permitted to put such a ta'wiz around the neck of a child"
[Ruh al-Mani, chapter 15, under Sura al-Mu'minun, verse 97]

Allama Shami al-Hanafi writes:
"It is permitted to write a ta'wiz and put it around the neck... It would be better if a person recites the du'as taught by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). But if a person cannot read or is too young to recite then it is permitted for that person to put it around the neck"
[Rad al-Mukhtar, chapter on 'Qira'at'; Sa'idi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, Chapter on Tibb]
To conclude, it can be said that those verses that oppose the Qur'an, Shari'a, or the Sunna are forbidden to read and also forbidden to put around the neck.But as for the du'as and verses from the Qur'an and Sunna it is permitted to be written and put around the neck of a small child, illiterate or a sick person



001. Neither we accept such Lord nor do we accept the Prophet of such Lord whose Caliph is Abu-Bakr (r.a) (Na'uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#278 - Published Iran]

002. None of the Prophets (a.s) had been bestowed with the Prophet Hood until He declared His belief in the fallacy character of ALLAH (Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#265 - Published Iran]

003. Disclaimer to the doctrines that fate, benediction and vice belong to ALLAH (Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#293 - Published Iran]

004. The fourteen innocents (Ma'sumeen) are incomparable and unprecedented like ALLAH. (Na'uzubillah) [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#2 - Published Lahore]

005. There is no difference between ALLAH and Ali (r.a) such as in the virtues for; The master of Khatim-e-Suleman, The Master of Doomsday, The master of Siraat (The Bridge over Hell) and Renaissance Field, The Creator of leaves on the trees, The one who ripens the fruits, The one who continued fountains, The one who made drift in the canals (Na'uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

006. To call ALLAH Omnipresent and Omniscient is against faith (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

007. Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and his descendants are omnipresent and omniscient, and it is only theirs quality, not of ALLAH’s (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

008. ALLAH when talks about blessings, does so in Persian and when talks about persecution does so in Arabic (Na’uzubillah). [Tareekh-e-Islam, Pg#163 – Published Lahore]

009. Shiite confession of faith “LA ILAHA IL-ALLAH-U MUHAMMAD-UR RASOOL-ULLAH ALI-UN WALI-ULLAH WASI-U RASOOL-ULLAH WA KHALIFA-TU BILA FASL” (Na’uzubillah). [Tohfa Namaz Ja’fariyah, Pg#10 – Published Lahore]

010. Wherever Quran referred the word “RABB”, it meant as Ali (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#66 – Published Lahore]

011. Original Quran will not come into view till the manifestation of Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#360 - Published Iran]

012. Collectors of Quran eliminated virtues of Prophet’s progeny from Surah Al-Ahzab which was about to the length of Surah Al-Bakrah (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#66 - Published Iran]

013. Usman (r.a) made alteration in Surah Al-Rehman by eliminating words “MINKUM” (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#525 - Published Iran]

014. Quran has been purposely altered by the drunkard Caliphs {Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a) and Usman (r.a)}; The present Quran is false; It’s the duty of Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) to bring it in its original form; When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12thImam) will come, then the Quran will be recited in its original form (Na’uzubillah). [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#12, Pg#384 – Published India]

015. “ILAA AJALIN-MUSAMMA” has been removed from the Quran (Na’uzubillah). [Muta’h Aur Salahuddin A’ybi, Pg#60 – Published Karachi]

016. Quranic verses were not arranged by Abu-Bakr (r.a) in the same order as that in which it was revealed {hence Muslim Ummah was deprived of original Quran and present day Quran is incorrect} (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#134 – Published Karachi]

017. After the death of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) original Quran was in the possession of Ali (r.a) which he brought before Abu-Bakr (r.a) but He refused to prevail such version that is why Muslim Ummah was deprived of original Quran (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#138 – Published Karachi]

018. To provide reasoning to “WATI-FIL-DUBR” changes were made in the Quranic comprehension (Na’uzubillah). [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#415 – Published Iran]

019. The present (false) Quran doesn’t mentions the name of “Pakistan” however  ours (SHIAs) true Quran even have the name of “Pakistan” (Na’uzubillah). [Hazar Tumhari Das Hamari, Pg#554 – Published Karachi]

020. Shiites scholars believe that Ali (r.a) and all his innocent patriarchs are superior to all Prophets (a.s) except Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#70 - Published Iran]

021. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will come out of his cave he will be naked like a newborn and the first person who shall take the oath of allegiance on his hands will be the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#347 - Published Iran]

022. The greatest slander upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) of sexual intercourse… (Na’uzubillah). [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#119 – Published Iran]

023. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) used to perform Taqiyyah (conceal the facts) (Na’uzubillah). [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#118 – Published Iran]

024. On the night of consummation of marriage of Ali (r.a) and Fatima (r.a), Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) instructed them not to start their work (sexual intercourse) until He arrives their (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#1, Pg#251 – Published Multan]

025. Ali (r.a) and other Ahlul Bayt (r.a) are equal in the rank with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and are superior to all other Prophets (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#20 – Published Lahore]

026. After ALLAH and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) only Holy Descendants (r.a) reached the height of saintliness, rest all other Prophets (a.s) and Angels (a.s) lie below their ranks (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#29 – Published Lahore]

027. Jibrael (Gabriel) used to talk with Fatima (r.a) {after the death of Muhammad (s.a.w.w)} (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#1, Pg#198 – Published Multan]

028. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and his Holy Descendants (r.a) are not the offspring of Adam (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

029. Adam (a.s)’s prayers were accepted on the mediation of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), Ali (r.a), Fatima (r.a), Hasan (r.a) and Hussain (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#92 – Published Lahore]

030. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) had some purpose to acquiesce Usman (r.a) with Himself otherwise that man was of no use to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Na’sal Ko Qatal Kar Do, Pg#129 – Published Karachi]

031. Adam (a.s) became Infidel due to His jealousy(Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#428 - Published Iran]

032. Ali (r.a) possesses same rights as were kept by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#380 - Published Iran]

033. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) taught Taqiyyah (conceal the facts) to Abu-Zar Ghaffari (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Char Yaar, Pg#92 – Published Karachi]

034. The rank of Imams (12 Imams) is higher than every Prophet (a.s) and every Angel (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Hakumat-e-Islamiah, Pg#52 – Published Iran]

035. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s house was like that of dirge player’s house (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#63 – Published Lahore]

036. What was the compulsion on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) that He used to do intercourse with Ayesha (r.a) during her menses? (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#63 – Published Lahore]

037. What the lady “Zulekhah”, Ayesha (r.a) had got that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) despite having coeval wives or other young ladies, married with a nine years old little mother at His age of fifty (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#64 – Published Lahore]

038. Slander to Ali (r.a) to declare rape as a dogmatic matrimonial (Na’uzubillah). [Fir’o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#5, Pg#467 – Published Iran]

039. One who does not consider Ali (r.a) as the first Caliph (successor) is an apostate (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#3, Pg#264 - Published Iran]

040. To marry Umm-e-Kulsoom (r.a) with Umar (r.a) was a subterfuge on the part of Ali (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#81-82 - Published Iran]

041. Penis proclaimed the Imamate (patriarchate) of Ali (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Aasar-e-Haidery, Pg#557 – Published Lahore]

042. When the last era will come, Ali (r.a) will appear(Na'uzubillah) [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#603 - Published Lahore]

043. Ali (r.a) is Dabat-ul-Arz (a cattle who will arise from earth before the Doomsday) (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#602 - Published Lahore]

044. Ayesha (r.a) was an American Lady or any European Madam? (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#64 – Published Lahore]

045. Hafsa (r.a), a bad natured woman, was accepted by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)… She was a pig-faced woman (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#124 – Published Lahore]

046. Ali (r.a) is Dabat-ul-Arz (a four-legged animal) (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#336 - Published Iran]

047. When Imam Mehdi will appear, he will first dig out Ayesha (r.a) from Her grave and will reprehend her (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#347 - Published Iran]

048. Curse upon Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) who gave poison to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#700 – Published Iran]

049. Ayesha (r.a) and Shiites Imam performed Muta’h (a form of temporary marriage regarded as illegitimate in Islam) (Na’uzubillah). [Jawaz-e-Muta’h, Pg#78 – Published Bhakkar]

050. Jealousy, hatred and resentment were the attributes of Ayesha (r.a)’s nature (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#40]

051. Ayesha (r.a) use to misbehave, oppose, talk louder, babble and slander on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#70]

052. The youth of this misfortune {Ayesha (r.a)} would have spoil the old age of Mua’zzamah (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#88]
053. Ayesha (r.a) used to babble and fight with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#53]

054. On not arriving of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), Ayesha (r.a) suffered with the fits of madness and passion (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#54]

055. After the death when Angels of grave start questioning then Maula’s {Ali (r.a)} chair is being brought and sins are pardoned only after recognizing him (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

056. Sheikheen (r.a) {Abu-Bakr (r.a) & Umar (r.a)}, Hafsa (r.a) and Ayesha (r.a) gave poison to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#28, Pg#894 – Published India]

057. Ayesha (r.a) for the first time initiated the war customs (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#275 – Published Karachi]

058. Ayesha (r.a) was a malicious and short-tempered woman (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#289 – Published Karachi]

059. Abu-Moosa Asha’ri (r.a) and Ayesha (r.a) had become apostate by narrating forged Hadiths (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#475 – Published Karachi]

060. Ayesha (r.a) used to say that kill the Na’sal {Usman (r.a)} because he has become a Infidel (Na’uzubillah). [Na’sal Ko Qatal Kar Do, Pg#Preface – Published Karachi]

061. Ayesha (r.a)’s heart was blacked-out (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#30 – Published Karachi]

062. Ayesha (r.a) had such an opposition with Usman (r.a) that she ordered for his murder (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#31 – Published Karachi]

063. Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) played a cunning game like fox upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#69 – Published Lahore]

064. O Sunnis! Is Ayesha (r.a) a woman or a female monkey? (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#67 – Published Lahore]

065. Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will resurrect Sheikheen (r.a) {Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a)} and punish them by hanging on the tree (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#361 - Published Iran]

066. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will appear, before other nonbelievers, he will kill Ahl-e-Sunnah and Ahl-e-Sunnah scholars (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#527 - Published Iran]

067. Imams used to say Salam to each other while taking bath (Na’uzubillah). [Hulya-tul-Muttaqeen, Pg#118 - Published Iran]

068. Imams are not born through the womb of their mothers but they are born from the sides of their mothers (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#474 – Published Lahore]

069. Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) recited Holy Quran and called Salam in the womb of his mother (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#475 – Published Lahore]

070. Imams are also innocent like the Prophets (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Tohfa Namaz Ja’fariyah, Pg#28 – Published Lahore]

071. Abdullah Ibn-e-Saba was the first who declared the faith in Imamat and that Ali (r.a) is the true God (Na’uzubillah).[Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#234 - Published Iran]

072. We (Imams) among ALLAH’s creatures are His eyes and among His servants (human being) the people of command (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#260 - Published Iran]

073. In the early Islamic period due to Taqiyyah (subterfuge), Shiites scholars used to hide the Hadiths (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#92 - Published Iran]

074. To weep on the vulnerability of Imams and to hide the secrets is like Holy crusade (Jihad) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#283 - Published Iran]

075. World cannot exist without Imam (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#233 - Published Iran]

076. Imams know all what happened earlier and what is about to happen and nothing remains hidden to them (Na’uzubillah).[Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#10 - Published Iran]

077. Without knowing the Imam, God cannot be proved (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#331 - Published Iran]

078. Imam knows the time of his death and dies by his own will (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#23 - Published Iran]

079. Imam has greater qualities than the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#299-300 - Published Iran]

080. Imams are equal in the status with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#287 - Published Iran]

081. Imam get revelations (WAHI by ALLAH) (Na’uzubillah).[Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#329-330 - Published Iran]

082. In the state of Taqiyyah (subterfuge) whatever Imam says just obey him and act accordingly (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#72 - Published Iran]

083. The Angels reveal upon Imams in the Shab-e-Qadr (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#569 - Published Lahore]

084. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will appear there will be only forty perfect believers (Mo’min) in the world (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#571 - Published Lahore]

085. All Angels, Jibrail (a.s) {Gabriel (a.s)} and Mikail (a.s) will take the oath of allegiance upon Imam Mehdi’s (SHIAs 12thImam) hand (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#594 - Published Lahore]

086. After Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s death all his disciples except four became apostate (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#81 - Published Iran]

087. Umar (r.a) told to Satan that he had invaded the Caliphate of Ali (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#82 - Published Iran]

088. Ali (r.a) imprecated Talha (r.a) and Zubair (r.a) to ruin in life and thereafter (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#189 - Published Iran]

089. The first three Caliphs (r.a) and other Sahabah (r.a) became apostate due to the denial of Ali (r.a)’s prophecy (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#184 - Published Iran]

090. Mua’wiyah (r.a) can be associated with whole vice (Na’uzubillah). [Ay As As, Pg#35 – Published Karachi]

091. Sahabah (r.a) brought disgrace upon Islam in Uhad War (Na’uzubillah). [Ay As As, Pg#21 – Published Karachi]

092. Ja’far Sadiq (r.t.a) never stood up from the prayer mat unless he had not sent curse upon Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a), Mua’wiyah (r.a), Ayesha (r.a), Hafsa (r.a), Hind (r.a) and Umm-ul-Hakm (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [A’yn-ul-Hayat, Pg#599 – Published Iran]

093. After the death of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), except three all the Sahabah (r.a) have become apostate (Na’uzubillah). [A’yn-ul-Hayat, Pg#3 – Published Iran]

094. The first after Satan who had accepted his religion is Abu-Bakr (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#18 – Published Lahore]

095. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was of the same belief which was founded by Satan (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#22 – Published Lahore]

096. We have only La’nat (curse) and Tabbarah (imprecation) for Abu-Hurairah (r.a) like narrators (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#20 – Published Lahore]

097. Mua’wiyah (r.a) was a disgraced character (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#65 – Published Lahore]

098. Mua’wiyah (r.a) and Abu-Hurairah (r.a) were infidels and apostates (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#79 – Published Lahore]

099. Sahabah (r.a)’s testimonial cannot save them from imprecation (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#32 – Published Lahore]

100. Sahabah (r.a) were not blessed according to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s Hadiths (Na’uzubillah). [Char Yaar, Pg#68 – Published Karachi]

101. Some Sahabah (r.a) performed evil deeds; they did the acts of stealing, rape and telling a lie (Na’uzubillah). [Char Yaar, Pg#64 – Published Karachi]

102. Ayesha (r.a) use to compare Usman (r.a) with a Jew named Na’sal and say that he should be killed (Na’uzubillah).[Chouda Sitaray, Pg#584 - Published Lahore]

103. The caliphate of first three caliphs is like the penis of donkey (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#72 – Published Lahore]

104. Sahabah (r.a) made innovations in the religion after Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), cut Islam into pieces and minced the Shari’ah (Islamic Jurisprudence) (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

105. Sodomy was very common among various Sahabah (r.a); for e.g. Waleed bin Mugha’irah, Umar (r.a)… (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

106. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a) and Usman (r.a) will enter into hell through a special door (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#500 - Published Iran]

107. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a) and Mua’wiyah will be persecuted severely than other hellish people (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#503 - Published Iran]

108. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a), Mua’wiyah (r.a), Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) are the worst creatures (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#519 - Published Iran]

109. Abbas (r.a) and Aqeel (r.a) were weak believers and men of mean spirit (Na’uzubillah). [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#618 – Published Iran]

110. There is no difference in the faith of Abu-Bakar and in the faith of Satan (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#93 – Published Lahore]

111. Abu-Hurairah (r.a) was the greatest liar who associated false Hadiths to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#442 – Published Lahore]

112. Mua’wiyah (r.a) was apostate, the greatest non believer and a corrupt man (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#306 – Published Lahore]

113. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was a puppet in the hands of Umar (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#92 – Published Lahore]

114. Mua’wiyah (r.a) is being burnt inside a coffin beneath the interior most part of the hell and if Pharaoh (Firo’un) would have not said “INNA RABBI-KUM-UL-A’LA” there would be no one below Mua’wiyah (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#316 – Published Lahore]

115. Mua’wiyah (r.a)’s mother and granny were prostitutes (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#301 – Published Lahore]

116. Usman (r.a) protested against Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and disobeyed him (Na’uzubillah). [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#30, Pg#934 – Published India]

117. Quran does not show the superiority of Abu-Bakr (r.a) but the infidelity of Abu-Bakr (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Manazarah Hussainiyah, Pg#47 – Published Lahore]

118. Zubair bin Al-Awam (r.a) is the breed of Muta’h (temporary marriage illegitimate according to Islam) (Na’uzubillah). [Muta’h Aur Salahuddin A’ybi, Pg#24 – Published Karachi]

119. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a cunning person (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#339 – Published Karachi]

120. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) made naked himself… (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#148 – Published Karachi]

121. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a liar and a miser (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#147 – Published Karachi]

122. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a)’s mother was a big liar. [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#146 – Published Karachi]

123. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a cheater. [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#245 – Published Karachi]

124. Abu-Moosa Asha’ri and Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) were hypocrites and traitors (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#474 – Published Karachi]

125. The history of the first three Caliphs was full of ignorance, stupidity, brutality, bribery and sinfulness (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#252 – Published Karachi]

126. How unfortunate are these Talha (r.a), Zubair (r.a) and Ayesha (r.a)! (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#63 – Published Karachi]

127. Mua’wiyah used to feign and wile (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#421 – Published Karachi]

128. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) himself passed the orders of Mua’wiyah (r.a)’s murder (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#108 – Published Karachi]

129. Mua’wiyah (r.a)’s all army men were foul-natured, bastards, wile and non-believers (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#473 – Published Karachi]

130. Mugha’irah bin Shaiba (r.a) himself and his father were hypocrites and imps (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#775 – Published Karachi]

131. Mugha’irah bin Shaiba (r.a) was very unfortunate in faith and Islam and he left this world in the same state (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#258 – Published Karachi]

132. Rural-ship of a villager is better than the piety of Sahabah (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#432 – Published Karachi]

133. Talha (r.a) and Zubair (r.a) were seditious, vicious and dissentious persons who could commit any crime for wealth and power (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#443 – Published Karachi]

134. Among a few extremely remorseful and shameful characters of the world, one is of Zubair (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#48 – Published Karachi]

135. Usman (r.a) reaped whatever he sew (Na’uzubillah). [Na’sal Ko Qatal Kar Do, Pg#108 – Published Karachi]

136. Usman (r.a)’s mother was a prostitute (Na’uzubillah). [Na’sal Ko Qatal Kar Do, Pg#18 – Published Karachi]

137. I dare say that today’s Iranic Nation is far better than the people of Hijaz (Sahabah) in Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s era (Na’uzubillah). [Sahifah-e-Inqalab {Khomeini’s last will and testament}, Pg#46]

138. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was habitual of using foul-mouth and giving abuses (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#148 – Published Karachi]

139. Abu-Bakr (r.a) used to abuse very often (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#21 – Published Karachi]

140. Abu-Bakr (r.a) had no religious status (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#8 – Published Karachi]

141. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was like Halaku and Changez (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#10 – Published Karachi]

142. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was only curious about the money in his Caliphate (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#142 – Published Karachi]

143. Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a) were culpable and unforgiving (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#159 – Published Karachi]

144. Mua’wiyah (r.a) killed Ayesha (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#32 – Published Karachi]

145. Umar (r.a) not even liked Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and His daughter (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#94 – Published Karachi]

146. Starting from the day first, Umar (r.a) is responsible for the hostilities and blood-shedding among the Muslims (Na’uzubillah). [Waqi’a Qirtas Aur Kirdar-e-Umar, Pg#63 – Published Karachi]

147. Umar (r.a) passed humiliating sentences upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s sayings (Na’uzubillah). [Waqi’a Qirtas Aur Kirdar-e-Umar, Pg#67 – Published Karachi]

148. Abbas (r.a)’s false allegations upon Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Wohi Mujrim Wohi Munsif, Pg#75]

149. Umar (r.a) was sent to Hell on 9th Rab’i-ul-Awwal (Na’uzubillah). [Zaad-ul-Mua’d, Pg#404 – Published Iran]

150. Curse upon Ayesha (r.a) and Umar (r.a); Mua’wiyah (r.a) was sent to Hell on 22nd Rajab so this day must be celebrated (with Koondas) (Na’uzubillah). [Zaad-ul-Mua’d, Pg#34 – Published Iran]

151. Last diet of Umar (r.a)’s was Vine (Na’uzubillah). [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#241 – Published Lahore]

152. Umar (r.a) belonged to such family in which mothers and sisters are made as wives (Na’uzubillah). [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#306 – Published Lahore]

153. Umar (r.a) is the lock of Hell, it was better if he would be the gate (Na’uzubillah). [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#430 – Published Lahore]

154. Umar (r.a) and Waleed Bin Mugha’irah (r.a) were she-gay (Na’uzubillah). [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#246 – Published Lahore]

155. Nikkah is valid without the witnesses. [Fir’o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#5, Pg#387 – Published Iran]

156. Quran can be recited in toilet (Na’uzubillah). [Fir’o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#6, Pg#502 – Published Iran]

157. By hiding the private parts with only hand, Sattr can be achieved. [Fir’o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#6, Pg#501 – Published Iran]

158. What so ever the Ahl-e-Sunnah scholar tells about some query, to do its opposite is SHIA religion. [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#3, Pg#55 - Published Iran]

159. According to SHIA scholars, Ahl-e-Sunnah are worse and dirtiest infidels than the Jews or Christians or Majoos (Na'uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#306 - Published Iran]

160. Taqiyyah (concealing the facts) is the true religion. [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#332 - Published Iran]

161. Taqiyyah (concealing the facts) is the part of belief. [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#328 - Published Iran]

162. By not reciting “ALI-UN-WALI-ULLAH”, Ahl-e-Sunnah are not Mo’min (Na'uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#13 – Published Lahore]

163. ALLAH produces 70 Angels from the couple who perform Muta’h which keep on praying for them (Na'uzubillah).[Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

164. Ahl-e-Sunnah (Nasibi) are worse than dog in front of ALLAH (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#516 - Published Iran]

165. Black dress is the dress of people of Hell (Na’uzubillah). [Hulya-tul-Muttaqeen, Pg#8 - Published Iran]

166. Leavings of Ahl-e-Sunnah’s are as Haram then any other Non-Muslim. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#1 ,Pg#8  - Published Iran]

167. Niece and Aunts can remain in Nikkah at a time. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#4 ,Pg#260  - Published Iran]

168. Donkey’s flesh is Halal. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#4 ,Pg#213  - Published Iran]

169. Black dress is the dress of Firo’un. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#1 ,Pg#163  - Published Iran]

170. No witness is required in the Nikkah as GOD Himself is. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#4 ,Pg#251  - Published Iran]

171. Present Azaan is correct, curse be upon Mafoodha who innovated “ALI-UN-WALI-ULLAH” in Azaan. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#1 ,Pg#188  - Published Iran]

172. There is no right for Ahl-e-Sunnah in Islam so Nikkah with them is also Haram. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#3 ,Pg#258  - Published Iran]

173. Istinja (washing of private parts) with Saliva is legitimate. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#1 ,Pg#41  - Published Iran]

174. Announcement of SHIA Kalimah; reciting “LA-ILAHA-ILL-ALLAHU-MUHAMMAD-UR-RASOOL-ULLAH” is not the sign of Iman. [Shia Mazhab Haq Hai, Pg#3 – Published Lahore]

175. Neither Fasting is spoiled nor Bath (Ghusl) is subjected by doing un-natural things with a women. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#460 – Published Iran]

176. Own female servant can be given to someone temporarily for Muta’h practices. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#244 – Published Iran]

177. Muta’h can also be done with Non-Muslims. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#256 – Published Iran]

178. A man can even take benefit (by doing Muta’h) from a woman for about an hour or so. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#266 – Published Iran]

179. Muta’h (illegitimate temporary marriage) has no accountability; it can be done with 1000 even. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#258-259 – Published Iran]

180. Imams use to order openly for Muta’h. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#253 – Published Iran]

181. Ahl-e-Sunnah are infidels (Kafir) so Nikkah with them is illegitimate. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#302 – Published Iran]

182. Ahl-e-Sunnah are infidels (Kafir) so Nikkah with them is illegitimate and their slaughtered animals are also Haram. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#303 – Published Iran]

183. Muta’h (illegitimate temporary marriage) is legitimate even for the sake of a piece of wood. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#267 – Published Iran]

184. MEHRAM male and female can see each other’s body. [Tohfa Namaz Ja’fariyah, Pg#292 – Published Lahore]

Shahadat e Imam Hussain

Shahadat e Imam Hussain

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Wahab bin Zam'ah bayan karty hain k Hazrat umme Salamah (Radi ALLAH Ta'ala Anha) nain mujhy btaya k HUZUR AKRAM (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) ek raat ko sonay k liay araam farma huay to (Thori dayr bad) baydaar ho gaay jab k AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) paryshaan (say lag rahy) thy. Phir (Dubara) layty aur baghair soay (thori dair) layty rahy aur baydaar ho gaay jab k AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) paryshan thy laykin itny paryshan nahi thy jitnay main nain pehli martaba dykhy thy. Phir Layt gaay aur phir uth bythy jab k AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) k dast e Aqdas (hath mubarak) main surkh (red) matti thi jisy AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) ulat palat rahy rhy. To main nain Arz kiya:

YA RUSUL ALLAH, Yeh kysi matti hy?

"Mujhy Jibra'il ('Alaihis Salam) nain btaya hay k yeh (mera bayta Husain) Arz e Iraq (Iraq ki sar zameen) par Shaheed kiya jaay ga." 
Main nain Jibra'il ('Alaihis Salam) say kaha:
"Mujhy wo matti dikhao jahan usy shaheed kiya jaat ga. To yeh (mere Hath main) wo matti hy."

References :

From : Haakim
Book : Mustadrak
Volume : 4
Page : 440
Hadith number : 8202

From : Tabrani
Book : Ma'jam Al Kabeer
Volume : 3
Page : 109
Hadith number : 2821

From : Tabrani
Book : Ma'jam Al Kabeer
Volume : 23
Page : 308
Hadith number : 697

From : Shaybaani
Book : Al Ahaad Wal Mathaani
Volume : 1
Page : 310
Hadith number : 429

From : Zahabi
Book : Sayyir A'laam An Nubala
Volume : 3
Page : 289

Imam Haakim nain farmaya:
"yeh Hadith Bukhari aur Muslim ki shart par Sahi hy."

Imam Zahabi nain farmaya:
"Yeh hadith Bukhari aur Muslim ki shart par Sahi hy."

Roman Urdu:: Tauheed ke Meaning:

Tauheed ke Meaning:

ALLAH TA'ALA ki Zaat-e-paak ko uski zaat o siffaat main shareek se Paak maanna, Yaani jesa ALLAH TA'ALA hai, wesa hum kisi ko ALLAH TA'ALA na maanen, agar koiALLAH TA'ALA k hote huwe, kisi dusre ko ALLAH TA'ALA Tassawwur karta hai, to woh Zaat-e-Bari TA'ALA main Shirk karta hai..

SHIRK kise kehte hain:

ALLAMA Taftaazaani (Rehmatullah) apni kitaab Sharah Aqaid-e-Nasfiyah main Shirk ki Taareef is tarah farmate hain,

"Kisi ko Shareek therane se murad yeh hai k, Majoosiyon ki tarah kisi ko Khuda aur Waajib ul Wajood samjha jae, ya But Paraston ki tarah kisi ko ALLAH k siwa Ibadat k laek samjha hae"

SHIRK ki taareef se maaloom huwa k 2 Khudaon k Maanne waale jese, Majoosi (AAG PARAST), mushrik hain, isi tarah ALLAH k siwae Ibadat k laek samajhne waala Mushrik hoga..

E.g Jese But Parast jo Buton ko mustahik-E-ibadat samajhte hain..

SHIRK ki QISMEN (types or Kinds):

Shirk ki 3 qismen (types or kinds) hain,

1) Shirk-FiL-IBADAT

2) Shirk-Fiz-ZAAT

3) Shirk-Fis-SIFFAAT

1)   Shirk-FiL-IBADAT:
 Is se murad hai, k ALLAH TA'ALA k ilawa kisi aur zaat ko Ibadat k Laek samjha jae..

2)   Shirk-Fiz-ZAAT:

Is se murad hai k kisi zaat ko ALLAH TA'ALA jesa maanna, jesa k Majoosi 2 khuda ko maante the..

3)   Shirk-Fis-SIFFAAT:

Kisi Zaat o shakhsiyat wagera main ALLAH TA'ALA jesi Siffaat maanna (ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata k bager), SHIRK-FIS-SIFFAAT kehlata hai..

SHETAAN SHIRK-FIS-SIFFAT ki haqeeqt ko samajhne se rokta hai, aur yahaan Ummat main wiswisay peda karta hai.. ab main aap ko QURA'AN ki Aayat k zariye SHIRK-FIS-SIFFAAT samjhata hun.. Gor se parhiya ga


Tarjuma: "Beshak ALLAH TA'ALA Logon par RAOUF AUR RAHEEM hai".
(Surah Bakara, Aayat 143)

 Tarjuma: "Beshak tumhare pas tashreef lae, tum main se woh Rasool jin par tumhara Mushkat parna, Giraan(bhari) hai, tumhari Bhalai k nihayat chahne waale, Mominon par RAOUF AUR RAHEEM hain".
(Surah Toba, Ayat 128, Para 10)

NOTE: Pehli Aayat par Gor karen to sawaal peda hota hai k RAOUUF aur RAHEEM,ALLAH TA'ALA ki Siffat hain, phir Dusri Aayat main Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) ko RAOUFaur RAHEEM farmaya gaya, to kiya yeh SHIRK hogaya????

Is main Tatbee yun Qaem hogi, k ALLAH TA'ALA haqeeqi tor par RAOUF aur RAHEEMhai, jab k Huzoor (Aleh Salaam), ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata se RAOUF aur RAHEEM hain, Lihaza jahaan Zaati aur Ataai ka Faraq waazeh hojae, wahaan SHIRK ka Hukum nahin lagta.

Tarjuma: "Tum farmao ALLAH k siwa Gaib nahin jante, jo koi Aasmanon aur zameenon main hai".
(Surah Namal, Aayat 65, Parah 20)

 Tarjuma: "Gaib ka jaanne wala, apne Gaib par sirf apne Pasandeeda RASOOLON hi ko Aagah farmata hai, har kisi ko Yeh ILM nahin deta".
(Surah JIN, Aayat 26/27, Parah 29)

NOTE: Pehli Aayat se saabit huwa k ILM-E-GAIB ALLAH TA'ALA ki Siffat hai, magar Dusri Aayat se maaloom huwa k ILM-E-GAIB, ALLAH TA'ALA ne apne pasandeedaRASOOLON ko bhi Ata kiya hai, to kiya yeh SHIRK hogaya??

Is ki Tatbee yun Qaem hogi k ALLAH TA'ALA ZAATI tor par AALIM-E-GAIB hai, jab kALLAH TA'ALA k tamaam RASOOLON ko ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata se ILM-E-GAIB par Aagahi haasil hai, Lihaza jahaan ZAATI aur ATAAI ka faraq waazeh hojae, wahaanSHIRK ka hukum nahin lagta.

Tarjuma: "Yeh is liya k Musalmaanon ka madadgaar ALLAH hai"
(Surah Muhammad, Aayat 11, Parah 26)

Tarjuma: "Beshak ALLAH un ka madadgaar hai, aur Jibrael, aur Naik Momineen madadgaar hain".
(Surah Tehreem, Aayat 4, Parah 28)

NOTE: Pehli Aayat par Gor karen to yeh Sawaal peda hoga, k Madad karna ALLAH TA'ALA ki siffat hai, phir dusri Aayat main Hazrat Jibrael (Aleh Salaam) aur Oliya-E-Karam ko madadgaar farmaya, to kiya yeh SHIRK huwa???

Is main Tatbee yun Qaem hogi, k ALLAH Haqeeqi madadgaar hai, Aur Jibrael (Aleh Salaam), aur Oliya-E-Karam, ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata se madadgaar hain, jo Zaat-E-Baari TA'ALA Ata farma rahi hai, us main aur jis ko Ata kiya ja raha hai, un Hazraat main barabri ka Tassawwur bhi nahin kiya jasakta, aur jab barabri nahin to SHIRK kahaan se hoga??

4) * Bager ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ijazat k kon hai jo SHAFA'AT Kare:
Tarjuma: "Kon hai jo Shafa'at kare bager Izn-E-KUDAWANDI k". (Suarh Bakarah, AaytalKursi, Parah 3)

* HAZRAT EESAA (Aleh Salaam) ka ALLAH TA'ALA k hukum se Shifa dena:
 Tarjuma: "Aur main Acha karta hun Andhay aur Korhi ko, aur Murday zinda karta hun, ALLAH k hukum se".
(Surah Al-Imran, Aayat 49, Para 3)
 NOTE: Pehli Aayat se maaloom huwa k Bager ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata k kisi k liye Shafa'at ka Aqeedah rakhna SHIRK hai magar ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata se Shifa'at ka Aqeedah rakhna "TAUHEED" hai, isi tarah dusri Aayat se maaloom huwa, k murdon ko chalana, shifa dena, yeh ALLAH TA'ALA ki Siffaat hain, magar ALLAH TA'ALA kisi ko ata karden, to ALLAH k khazane main koi kami nahin, Lihaza Ahle-ALLAH k muta'alliq yeh Aqeedah rakhna k woh ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata se murdon ko chala sakte hain, yeh SHIRK nahin hai, Q k ZAATI aur Ataai kaam baraabar nahin hosakte, aur jab Baraabari nahin to SHIRK b na huwa.


5) * ALLAH TA'ALA jise Chahe Aulaad de:
 Tarjuma: " ALLAH jise chahay Betiyan Ata farmae, aur Jise chahay Betay de".
(Surah Shooraa, Aayat 49, Parah 25)

* HAZRAT JIBRAEL (Aleh Salaam) ne kaha main tujhe Beta dun:
Tarjuma: "(Hazrat Jibrael (Aleh Salaam) ne BIBI MARYUM se kaha) Kaha main tere RAB ka Bheja huwa hun, Taa k main tjhe ek Suthra Beta dun"
(Surah Mariyum, Aayat 19, Parah 16)
NOTE: Pehli Aayat main hai, k Aulaad sirf ALLAH TA'ALA Ata farmata hai, magar is k Bar'aqs HAZRAT JIBRAEL (Aleh SALAAM), Hazrat Mariyum se farmate hain, k main tujhe ek suthra beta dun, to kiya yeh SHIRK hogaya???
 Is main Tatbee yun Qaem hogi, K ALLAH TA'ALA khud Aulaad Ata farmata hai, aur JIBRAEL (Aleh Salaam), ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata se BIBI MARIYUM ko Beta de Rahe hain, Lihaza in Aayat main Barabri ka koi Pehlu nahin, Q k ZAATI aur ATAAI barabar nahin hosakte, Jab barabri nahin paai gai, to SHIRK b na huwa.

6) * ALLAH TA'ALA Mout deta hai:
Tarjuma: " ALLAH jaanon ko Mout deta hai".
(Surah Zamr, Aayat 42, Parah 24)

* Tumhen MOUT deta hai, MOUT ka farishta:
Tarjuma: "Tum farmao, tumhen WAFAAT deta hai MOUT ka FARISHTA, jo tum par Muqarrar hai".
(Surah Sajda, Aayat 11, Parah 21)

NOTE: Pehli Aayat main hai k, ALAH TA'ALA, MOUT deta hai, magar is k Bar'Aqs, Dusri Aayat main hai k, Tumhen MOUT ka Farishta MOUT deta hai, to Kiya yeh SHIRK hogaya????

Is main Tatbee yun Qaem hogi k ALLAH TA'ALA, MOUT dene main kisi ka Mohtaaj nahin, magar Malakul MOUT (Farishtay) ROOH Qabz karne main ALLAH k hukum k mohtaaj hain, Lihaza Is main Bhi Barabari nahin Paai gai, to jab Barabari nahin, Is liye SHIRK b na huwa.

7) * ALLAH TA'ALA Zinda hai:
Tarjuma: "ALLAH hai jis k siwa kisi ki Puja nahin ki jaati, Aap Zindah, Auronka Qaem rakhne Waale"
(Aaytal Kursi)

* Banday bhi Zinda hain:
ALLAH TA'ALA ki Hayaat (zinda hone par) par to hum sab ka Eemaan hai, aur jin logon ko ALLAH TA'ALA ne Siffat-e-Hayaat di hai, woh sab is Siffat k Haamil hain, Pas hum ne apne liye bhi Hayaat ki Sifat ko Jaana, aur ALLAH TA'ALA k Liye bhi Sifat-e-Hayaat ko maana, is ki wajah yeh hai k jo Hayaat hum ALLAH TA'ALA k Liye maante hain, woh Hayaat na hum apne liye maante hain, aur na kisi aur k liye, Q k ALLAH TA'ALA humen Zindagi dene waala hai, ALLAH TA'ALA ko koi Hayaat dene waala nahin, Hamari Hayaat (Zindagi) Aarzi hai aur ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata karda hai aur Mehdood aur Faani (Khatam hone waali) hai, Jab k ALLAH TA'ALA ki Hayaat (Zindagi) Aarzi nahin, Ataai nahin, aur Mehdood bhi nahin, ALLAH TA'ALA to Lazawaal, Baaqi aur Hamesha rehne waala hai, jab k Hum Faani hain. Lihaza hamari Hayaat aur ALLAH TA'ALA ki Hayaat barabar nahin, Jab barabri Nahin huwi, to Shirk bhi na huwa..

8) * ALLAH TA'ALA sunta, dekhta hai:
Tarjuma: "Aur is liye k ALLAH sunta dekhta hai".
(Surah Haj, Aayat 61, Parah 17)

* Banday bhi Suntay aur Dekhte hain:
ALLAH TA'ALA sunne aur dekhne waala yaani Sami o Baseer hai, aur farmata hai, k hum ne Insaan ko bhi Sami O Baseer banaya, Haalaankay Sami O Baseer hona to ALLAH TA'ALA ki Sifat hai, ALLAH TA'ALA bhi Sami O Baseer, aur Insaan bhi Sami O Baseer, To kiya yeh SHIRK huwa??

ALLAH TA'ALA ki Siffat Sami O Baseer us ki zaati sifat hai, aur hamara sunna aur dekhna, ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata se hai, Lihaza jahaan ZAATI aur ATAAI ka Faraq waazih hojae, wahaan SHIRK nahin hosakta..

Mene aap ko 8 alag alag tarah ki misalon, (EXAMPLES) se samjhaya k JIS BAAT main ZAATI aur ATAAI ki baat aajae, wahaan SHIRK nahin hota. aesi Be hisaab misalen (EXAMPLES) aur b hain, par woh baad k topicx main clear hongi.. JAZAK ALLAH

ab kuch aur baaten b sunlen, jin ko BAD AQEEDAH, SHIRK kehte hain, par woh SHIRK nahin hain.




6) ALLAH TA'ALA, ZAATI tor par ZINDAH hain.
HUZOOR (Sallalaho Alehe Wasallam), AMBIYA (Aleh Salaam) aur OLIYA KARAM, ALLAH ki Ata se Baad Az Wisaal ZINDAH hain.
7) ALLAH TA'ALA, Bazzat-e-khud, Murdon ko ZINDAH Karta hai.
8) MUSHRIKEEN BUTON ko ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata k bager Sahib-E-EKHTIYAR maante the.
Hum AMBIYA KARAAM, aur OLIYA KARAAM ko ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata se Sahib-E-Ekhtiyar maante hain.
9) MUSRIKEEN, Buton ko Apna MA'ABOOD, maante The.
Hum ALLAH TA'ALA hi ko MA'ABOOD maante hain, aur ALLAH k Naik Bandon ko, ALLAH TA'ALA k KHAS banday maante hain.


Puray Kalaam ka Nateejah yeh Nikla k ISLAMI Aqaid aur MUSHRIKEEN k Aqaid main Kahin B Barabri nahin, To Phir SHIRK bhi na Huwa, LIHAZA MUSALMAANON k AQAID ko MUSHRIKEEN k AQAID se milana ZULM hai..
 BAHAWALA: Sahi Muslim, Kitaab-Ul-Fazail,Hadees 30, Matbuwa Istambol Turkey


Hazrat Uqba bin Aamir (REHMATULLAH ALEH) se Riwayat hai k, SARKAR-E-AAZAM (ALEH SALAAM) ne Shohda-e-Uhad k Pass tashreef le kar NAMAZ-E-JANAZA parhi, phir Mimbar par tashreef farma huwe, aur farmaya,

"MAIN tumhara SAHARA aur tum par GAWAH hun. ALLAH TA'ALA ki Kasam main apne Hoz-E-Qausar ko is waqt bhi dekh raha hun, aur beshak mujhe Zameen k khazanon ki Kunjiyyaan ata ki gai hain, aur Beshak mujhe yeh khatra nahin k tum mere baad SHIRK karne Lago ge, mujhe is baat ka dar hai k tum Dunya k JAAL main Phans jao ge".

SARKAR-E-AZAM (ALEH SALAAM) ne apni Zaat par ALLAH TA'ALA k diye huwe INAAMAAT aur INAAYAAT ka Zikar karte huwe, ALLAH TA'ALA ki Ata kardah ILM k Zariye sadiyon ka NAQAAB ulat diya, k MAIN dekh raha hun k tum SHIRK se mehfooz raho ge.

Jab SARKAAR (ALEH SALAAM) mutmaeen hain, K UMMAT, SHIRK se mehfooz rahe gi, magar MUSALMAANON par SHIRK k fatway lagane waale BECHAIN hain,

In ZAALIMON ko har dusra MUSALMAAN MUSHRIK nazar ata hai,

ALLAH TA'ALA aese logon ko Hidayat naseeb kare.. Aameen


Bad Qismati se Is UMMAT main, aese Log bhi Pae Jate hain, Jin ka kaam apne Siwa sab MUSALMAANON ko MUSHRIK AUR BIDDATI kehna aur samjhna hai.

Zulum yeh hai, k Yeh Aawaaz Masaajid aur Madaris, donon se Suni jaati hai, Yeh Log yeh samajhte hain k Hum Dusrun ko MUSHRIK aur BIDDATI keh kar, TAUHEED ki Khidmat kar rahe hain.
Haalankay yeh woh log hain, Jo UMMAT-E-MUSLIMA main, Fitnah O Fasaad ka Beej Bo Rahe hain,
Inhon ne JAAN BOOJH kar SHIRK ki Itni IQSAAM (TYPES) bana lin hain, k In k Siwa koi Bhi Aadmi MUSALMAAN na Kehelwa sake.
Khair Jo Dusron ko MUSHRIK kehte hain, In k Baaray main HUZOOR (ALEH SALAAM) ki Hadees Mulaahiza ho:
ALHADEES: Bahawala: Rawah Abu Ya'ala Ao Jaz At'Tafaseer Man Tafseer, Ibn-e-Kaseer, Page:183, Tafseer Ibn-E-Kaseer, JILD:6, PAGE:265)
"Woh UMOOR jin k baaray main tum par Andesha rakhta hun, Khof Zada hun, aur un main se ek yeh hai k, Ek SHAKHS QURA'AN parhe ga, Hat'ta k jab u

(roman urdu) SHAB E BARAT


Sha'baan Ki Pandharween Raat Ka Naam
Aam Istilah Me Shab e Bar'at Hey
Is Raat ki Fazilat Qur'an Paak Se Ba'az Sahaba e Kiram Ki Tehqiq Se Sabit Hey

(Surah e Dukhan Aayat 1-4)
ALLAH Ney Qasam Yaad Farma Kar Is Raat Ko

1- Allama Aalusi;
"Hazrat e Akrama aur 1 Jamat e Sahaba Is Taraf Hey Ke Is Sey Muraad Sha'ban Ki Nisf Raat
(Yani Pandharween Raat Jisey Shab e Bar'at Kaha Jata He) He
(Tafseer e Roohul Mua'ani)


2- Abu Saud;
"Lailatul Mubaraka Se Murad Lailatul Bar'at (Nisf Shaban) B Hey
(Tafseer e Abi Saood)

3- Allama Imam Raazi;
"Hazrat Akrama Aur Dusrey Sahaba Ne Kaha Ke Ye Lailatul Bara'at Hey Jo Sha'ban Ki 15th Hey"
(Tafseer e Kabir)

4- Allama Sawi;
"Lailatul Mubaraka Se Murad Sha'ban Ki 15th Hy.
Yahi Qoul Akrama Aur Kayi Dusrey Sahaba Ka He

Is Raat k 4 Naam Hen
Aur is Raat Ibadat Karna Afzal Hy


Muta'addid Ahadees Sey
Is Shab Ki Fazilat Sabit Hey

Sihah Ki 2 Kutub
Tirmizi, Ibn e Maja
Ke Ilawa
Musnad e Ahmed,
Musannaf Ibn e Abi Sheba
Me Kayi Ahadees Iski Fazilat Pr Mazkur Hen.

Kuch Ahadees Mulahiza Hon Jin Me Nabi Paak Ke Irshad Se Fazeelat Ki Wazeh Tayeed Hey


1- Hazrat Ali Sy Marwi;
Huzoor Karim Ny Farmaya;
"Jab Sha'ban Ki Nisf Raat Aaye To Tum Raat ko Qayaam Karo Aur Din Ko Roza Rakho.
Beshak Guroob e Aftab Se Subeh Sadiq Tak ALLAH Paak Ki Rehmat ka Nuzool Aasman e Dunya Par Hota Hey.
Rabb Ta'ala Ki Taraf Se Aawaz Di Jaati Hey,
Khabardar !!
Hey Koi Jo Mujse Bakhshish Talab Karey,
Mey Usey Bakhsh dun. Khabardar !!
Hey Koi Rizq Ka Taalib
Ke Usey Rizq Ataa Karun. Khabardar !!
Hey Koi Musibat Zada
Ke Mey Usey
Aafiyet Ataa Karun.
Khabardar Koi Is Tarah Hy?
Khabardar Koi Is Tarah Hy?"
(Ibn e Maja -
Bab Ma Jaa'a Fi Lailatin Nisf Min Sha'ban P#99)


2- Hazrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari Sy Marwi;
Huzur Ny Farmaya;
"Beshak ALLAH Ki Rehmat Ka Sha'ban Ke Nisf Ki Raat Mey Zuhoor Hota Hy.
ALLAH Apni Tamam Makhlooq Ko Muaf Farma Deta Hy
Logon Sy Bughz Rakhnay Walay,
Dushmani Karny Waley"
(Ibn e Maja)

3- Hazrat Ayesha Sy Marwi; Huzoor;
"Sha'ban Ki Nisf Raat My Saal My Paida Hony
Aur Fout Hony Walon,
Baais e Rif'at Naik A'amal Aur Rizq Ke Asbab Likh Dye Jaaty Hen"


4- Hazrat Urwa Sy Marwi; Hazrat Ayesha;
"May Ny Ek Raat Rasulullah Ko Gum Paaya To Apki Talaash Ke Lye Nikli.
Aap Baqee(Qabrastan) Me Aasman Ki Taraf Sar Uthaye Huey They.
Huzur Ny Farmaya...
.....Beshak ALLAH Paak Apni Rehmat e Kaamila Sy Nisf Sha'ban Ki Raat
(Shab e Bar'at)
Aasman e Dunya Par Nuzool Farmata Hy.
Banu Kalb Ki Bakriyon Ke
Baalon Sy Zyada Magfirat Farmata Hy"

Is Mazmun Ki Ahadees Muta'addid Asnad Sy
Warid Huin


5- Shab e Bar'at Ki Fazeelat Waly Baab Me
Hazrat Abubakar Sy Bhi Tirmizi My Hadees Marwi Hy

6- Huzur Ny Farmaya;
"15th Sha'ban Ko
ALLAH Paak (Ki Rehmat) Aasman e Dunya Ki Taraf Nuzool Farmata Hy.
Is Raat Har Gunahgar Ki Bakhshish Hoti Hy
Siwaye Mushrik w Keena Parwar Ke"

7- Muaz Bin Jabal Sy Bi Yahi Manqool Hy

8- Ata Bin Yasar Sy Marwi;
"Koi Raat Lailatul Qadar K Baad 15th Sha'ban Ki Shab Sy Zyada Fazilat Wali Nahi"


9- Hazrat Ka'ab Sy Marwi;
"ALLAH Jibraeel ko 15 Sha'ban Ki Shab Jannat Ki Taraf Bhejta Hy,
Ke Wo Aarasta Hony Ka Hukum Puhncha Den.
Or Keh Den K ALLAH Is Raat My
Aasman Ke Sitaron,
Dunya Ke Din Raat,
Darakht Ke Patton,
Paharon Ke Wazan
Auur Rait Ke Zarron Ki Ginti
Ke Barabar Bandon Ko Aazad Karega"

10- Akrama Sy Marwi;
"15 Shaban Khuda Ki Taraf Sy Hikmat Waly Har Kaam Ka Faisla Kya Jaata Hy
Zinday Likhey Jaaty
Aur Haji Qalamband Hoty Hen
Phir Is Sy Na Koi Barhta Hy
Aur Na Kam Hota Hy"
(Ibn e Jarir)
(Ibn e Manzar)
(Ibn e Abi Hatim)

Mazeed Ahadees Bhi Paish Ki Jaa Sakti Hen


Alhamdulillah Hum Ne
Shab e Bar'at
Par Hamara Moaqqaf Jaan Lya

Is Hawalay Se Kye Jaane Waley
Tamam Aetirazat
Naqis, Gair Mayari, Jahalat Par Mabni, Musalmano ko Ibadat Sy Roknay Ki Na Paak Jasarat Aur Gumrah Karney Ki Shaitani Sazish Hen

Ab Biltarteeb Inke Jawabaat Dye Jayenge


Jinhe Aetraaz Hey
Agar Wo Arabi Parhay Huey Nahi
To Kam Az Kam
Hamary Islaaf Ki Is Hawaley Sy
Mustaqil Abwab Par Mabni Kutub Ke Urdu Tarajim
Parh Len
Jo Ba Aasani Mayassar Hen (Maslan
Ma Sabat Bis Sunnah, Makashifatul Quloob,
Gunyat u Talibeen,
Tuhfatul Ikhwan,
Nuzhatul Majalis,
Rukn u Din Etc)

Unhe Beshumar Ahadees Ke Elawa Mutaqaddimeen w Muta'akhireen Ke
Be Hisab Aqwal Mil Jaenge. Phir Unhe
Tamak Toiyan
Maarnay Ki Haajat Na Hogi.


Aetraaz #01;
Amma Ayesha Wali Hadees In Par Bohtan Hy

1.1- Ye Buhtan Apke Khayal My Kis Ny Lagaya?
Imam Ahmed Raza Ny

Hazrat Urwa Ny
(Ke Ye Amma Sy Rawi Hen)

Tirmizi, Ibne Maja, Behiqi
Ibn e Abi Sheba Ny
(Ke Ye Sab Naqil Hen) ?

1.2- Kya Kisi Ny Is Hadees Ki Jarah w Ta'deel Karty Huey Isko Mozu (Mangharat Ya Khud Sakhta) Kaha?

1.3- Agar Tirmizi Ny Isey Zaeef Kaha Bhi To Kya Fazail My Zaeef Riwayat Mo'tabar Nahi Hoti?


1.4- Zuaf Ki Waja Ye Ke Rawiyon My
Hajjaj Ny Yahya Sy
Aur Yahya Ny Urwa Sy Nahi Suna,
Ye Zuaf Buhat Naram Hy
Hosakta Hy
Barah e Rast Nahi,
Bilwasta Suna Ho.
Ye Aeb Wo Nahi Jo Kizb Wagera Ki Tohmat Ke Sabab Paaya Jata Hy.
Sabit Hua Agar Chey Rawi Siqa Nahi
Magar Haqiqat My
Ye Hadees Hi Hy.
Aur Is Sy Mustahibbat Sabit Ho Sakty Hen.
Musalmano ka Aqeeda Hy Ke Is Shab Ki Ibadet Mustahib Hy Na Ke Wajib,
Zaeef Hadees Sy Bi Iska Suboot Jaiz


1.5- Is Hadees ko Zaeef Kaha Gaya Magar Ye Nahi Kaha Gaya Ke Kisi Hadees Sy Isko Ta'eed Hasil Nahi Hoti.
Chun Ke Taeed Karny Wali Kayi Ahadees Bayan Ki Jaa Chuki
Lihaza Wazeh Hogaya Ke Ye Hadees Hasan Ligairihi Hy
Aur Is Sy To Ehkam e Wajiba Bhi Sabit Ho Sakty Hen
Aur Bil Ittifaq Daleel Ke Tor Par Pesh Kya Ja Sakta Hy

1.6- Agar Maan Lya Ke Hazrat Ayesha Wali Hadees Zaeef Hy To Shab e Barat Ki Fazeelat Pr Baqi Sahee Ahadees Ka Kya Hoga?


Aetraaz #02;
Agar Ye Hadees Sahee Bhi Ho To Qur'an Ka Inkar Hy

2.1- Ibn e Abbas Farmaty Hen;
"15th Shaban Ko Tamam Umoor Ke Faisley Kar Lye Jaaty Hen
Aur 27 Ramzan Ko Tamam Umoor Farishton K Supurd Kar Dye Jatey Hen"
Qur'an Paak Ki
Aayat e Dukhaan,
Hazrat Akrama
Aur Dusrey Ashab Ke Bayan, Muta'addid Sahee Ahadees
Aur Mustanad Mufassireen Ke Aqwaal Ke Baad
Shab e Bar'at Ki Fazilat Mey Qur'an Ki Kis Aayat Sy
Takrao Ya Inkar Hy?


2.2- Agar Bilfarz
Qur'an Pak Sy
Shab e Bar'at Ki Fazilat Sabit Na Bhi Ho To
Sirf Hadees e Pak Sy Sabit Hona Bi Kafi Hy.
Ke Ahadees Hi Sy To Hum
Arkan e Islam
(Namaz, Zakat, Roza, Hajj)
Ke Ehkam Sabit Karty Hen.
Agar Ahadees Ko Na Tasleem Kya Jaye
To Islami Ehkam Par
Amal Mumkin Hi Nahi.


Aetraaz #03;
Aurton Ka Qabrastan Jana Mana Hy To Amma Ayesha Kyun Gayin?

3.1- Hadees;
"Qabron Ki Ziyarat Karny Wali Aurton Par La'nat Ho"

"Ahl e Ilm Ka Is Hadees My Ye Aetqaad Ke
Huzoor Ny Qabron Ki Zyarat Ka Jo Hukum Aur Rukhsat Farmayi,
Ye Hadees Is Sy Pehlay Ki Hy

KyuKe Pehlay Mardon,Aurton Sabko Mumaniat Thi,
Jb Ijazat Mili To
Sab K Lye Mili

Han, Aurten Sabar Na Karen
Aur Rona Peetna Ho To Inhe Mana Hoga"


3.2- Ek Aur Hadees
Jo Musnad e Ahmed O
Mishkat My Hy
Hazrat Ayesha
Roza e Rasul Par Jb Ke
Abu Bakar o Umar
Bi Madfun They
Jaya Karteen
Wazeh Hua Ke Aurton Ka Qabron Par Jana Mutlaqan Mana Nahi

3.3- Ibn e Maja w
Tirmizi Ki Hadees My Bi
Amma Ayesha Ka Qabrastan Jana Aur Huzur Ka Na Rokna Is Baat Par Dalalat Karta Hy
Ke La'nat Wali Hadees Pehlay Ki Hy
Aur Ijazat Wali Hadees
(Ibne Maja w Mishkat My)
Baad Ki Hy

3.4- Ibn e Maja o Mishkat
My Hazrat Ayesha Sy Hi Marwi;
"Sahib e Qabar Ko Zaair Sy Sukoon Milta Hy"

Ibne Masud sy Marwi;
"Qabar Ki Zyarat Zuhad Aur Aakhirat Ki Yaad Ka Baais Hy"


Aetraaz #04;
Baqee Madina My Hy
To Fazilat Wali Surat Ka
Nuzul Makkah My Kyun?

4.1- Deegar Jo Tamam Ahadees Bayan Kin
Is My Baqee Aur Madina Paak Ka Zikar Kahan Hy?

Kya Ye Mumkin Nahi Ke
Huzur Ny Shab e Bar'at Ki Fazilat To Makkah Paak My Bayan Farmayi Ho
Aur Amma Ayesha
Madina My Huzur Ke Paas Ayin,Is Lye Unhe Us Waqt Malum Chala

Ye Bi HoSakta Hy Ke Inhe Ma'lum To Ho Magar Achanak Ye Khayal Na Aya Ke
Huzur Kahan Tashrif Le Gaye


4.2- Agar Aap Ye Samajhtey Hen Ke Makki Surton Ki Tamam Aayat Makki
Aur Madni Soorton Ki
Tamam Aayat Madani Hen
To Ye Soch Sara Sar Baatil o Jhoot Hy.

Allama Suyooti;
"Kayi Surat Makki Hen
Magar Un My Ba'z Aayat Madani Hen"

Pas Aapki Aetraaz Me Di Jane Wali Daleel Naqis Hy


Aetraaz #05;
Nabi Paak Par Bohtan Hy
Ke Itna Arsa Fazilat Ko Chupaya

5.1- Huzoor Ke Muta'adid Farmudat,
Kutub e Ahadees w Tafaseer
Ki Roo Sy Hargiz Ye Lazim Nahi
Aata Ke Huzoor
Unhon Ny Kabhi Kisi Fazilat Ko Chupaya

Ye Logo Ki
Jasarat e Makruh Hy
K Ek Taraf
Huzoor Par Bohtana
Lagany K Lye
Maahol Paida Kya Jaye
Jab Ke
Dusri Taraf
Babarkat Raat My
Musalmanon Ko Ibadat Sy Door Rakhny Ki
Shaitani Sazish Ko
Taqwiyet Di Jaye

Shawahid o Dalail k sath Jawab Mukammal Kye
Is Dua Ke Saath
Wahabi Sharr Sy Tamam Aalam Ko Mehfooz Rakhey.